Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training & Drop-in Classes

Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training is a style that focuses on the proper alignment of the body in various asanas of yoga. This style of yoga is more than just exercise; this step by step process leads you to mental and physical well being. The process leads the body, mind and soul to unite in a state that gives a feeling of completeness; of wholeness. The asanas are based on the philosophy of Sage Patanjali, the author of Ashtanga Yoga. In Ashtanga Yoga, asanas are the third step of yoga. They make the body flexible and ready for the next level of Ashtanga Yoga by regulating breathing and bringing on mental awareness.

The Iyengar system of asanas was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar; established with solid roots from Ashtanga Yoga teachings. This style of yoga creates a direct impact on the concentration, meditation, flexibility, awareness, strength and well being. It is proven that Iyengar yoga makes the body and mind stronger. Uniquely, in this style of yoga the poses are done while the performer is standing. It is necessary to have strict training in Iyengar Yoga teacher training if you are hoping to be able to teach in this style of yoga. This allows you to offer continual correctional assistance to students when mistakes are made in the asanas. Observations of body movements is important for the teacher to analyze the progression of students.

Benefits of Iyengar Yoga

  • Improves concentration and awareness
  • Maintain balance and strength
  • Successful in curing body injuries
  • Cures mental depression
  • Increases body flexibility
  • Increases concentration and awareness
  • Improve overall stamina
  • Control over high blood pressure & immune deficiency

Sample List of Iyengar Asanas

  • Tadasana
  • Baddhakonasana
  • Swastikasana
  • Virasana
  • Paschimothasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • Marichyasana
  • Halasana
  • Savasana